Monday, 21 March 2016

Hemophelia Web Application

                           Hemophilia an X-Linked Hierarchy

                                                  Madhusudhana .R. K                                                                           
                                    4th  semester ,  Dept. of  MCA                                                            
                                          R.V. College of Engineering                                                                

ABSTRACT: Hemophilia an X-Linked Hierarchy application includes information about the disease, automates the process of Hemophilia X-Linked Infector based Application. It also includes information of stages in which disease will spread. Public can register and see the contents related to Hemophilia. It contains gallery of Disease, Available medicines, latest events updates that are conducted related to Hemophilia. Information of Disease and Available medicines are updated. This includes details of users who are logged-in.
Keywords: disease, automates, application, medicines, logged-in

I.                   INTRODUCTION
This proposed project with its various module aimed to automate the information’s of disease includes simplified application for Admin to administrate the entire app and provides simple access to user interface for various user other needy people [1]. This provides the online mean for needy to take online available information for their suffering, for the same this application has easy to register and login module. This project has informative static and dynamic pages which contains the complete details of Haemophilia and related information [2].

The Main Objective of this project involves:
Ø  To allow users easy access to information about disease.
Ø  It should be designed to minimize amount of time required for data 
     management and  operation of system.
Ø  This application provides available medicines for the disease.
Ø  It tells what the level in which Hemophilia spread is.

            It is observed that the existing mechanism uses simple manual system of providing information [3]. Most of the Existing system of managing and processing the details of information takes much time. They use old system of mouth marketing to deal with medicines to the needy people and their internal system of working involve all manual records and no sort of electronic mean to automate the process [4].

Existing System
            In order to automate the process of application concerned with Haemophilia there are many web portal   with mere static content in it [5], our application offers the comprehensive details of Hemophilia an X-Linked Hierarchy along with the On line medicines and its usage.

Problem statement
·         The Application which is doing exclusive & unique projects to the society but the potential of the project is not reached to everyone.
·         Each & every user may not able to operate all the fields done by Application, but if he is allowed to review the contents and can suggest the admin regarding any changes to be made.
·         Even after long period of time, They are not able to reach out to the masses to promote the basic awareness about the Hemophilia [6][7].

The Hemophelia an X-Linked Hierarchy minimizes the need to visit hospital every time. This system allows the user to get details of the disease as and when they wish to get. They can also see the available medicines with respect to the stages of Hemophilia [8][9] .
      The software developed has the access to authenticated admin with restricted access.
·         Login is provided to the admin with the username and the password to ensure that it is accessed by authenticated user.
·         Admin is one who has control over entire System and also on Member authentication. He has the power to add or edit the member details.
·         Member need to enter name and password to login. Once they log in they can access information and they can send queries to the admin.
·         Admin can update the medicines and Gallery list , users will get updated list when they logged in for next time [10].
·         Once done with the session , user can sign out and further they should provide log-in details again.
Image 1: Login Page
Image 1, shows the login page of the project where admin/user will enter the user name and password to access the application. If the username and password is mismatched then it will shows an error.

Image 2 : Home page
Image 2, shows the Home page of the project. This contains the different modules used and link to access the contents.
Image 3: Hemophilia X-Linked Type-4
Image 3 describes the type-4 of Hemophilia where the disease in from father is affected and
Mother is carrier of Hemophila. The possible outcome for their kids.

Image 4: Gallery of the Project
Image 4 shows the gallery of the project which contains the link for Images and Videos.
Here only admin can add photos and videos, users are allowed to access the gallery contents.

            The application is designed for the beneficial of the users to know about the Hemophilia in a single application. As the user perspective the application is designed in such a way that gives attractive user interfaces, authentication and authorization. By the testing result this application working fine for all the possible inputs, if you found any bus that can be resolve in near coming version.

[1]   Peyvandi F, Jayandharan G, Chandy M, et al. Genetic diagnosis of haemophilia and other inherited bleeding                      disorders. Haemophilia. 2006; 12:82-89. Bolton-Maggs PH, Pasi KJ. Haemophilias A and B. Lancet. 2003 May                 24;361(9371):1801-9.
[2]   Collins PW, Hirsch S, Baglin TP, et al. Acquired hemophilia A in the United Kingdom: a 2-yearnational                             surveillance study by the United Kingdom Haemophilia Centre Doctors' Organisation.  2007; 109:1870-1877.
[6]   Chitlur M, Kulkarni R (2013). Hemophilia and related conditions. In ET Bope, RD Kellerman, eds., Conn's Current            Therapy 2013, pp. 803–810.
[7]   Friedman KD, Rodgers GM (2009). Inherited coagulation disorders. In JP Greer et al., eds., Wintrobe's Clinical                    Hematology, 12th ed., vol. 2, pp. 1379–1424.
[8]     Roberts HR, et al. (2010). Hemophilia A and haemophilia B. In K Kaushansky et al., eds., Williams  Hematology,            8th  ed., pp. 2009–2029. New York: McGraw-Hill.
[9]    Srivastava A, et al. (2013). Guidelines for the management of hemophilia. Haemophilia, 19(1): e1–e47. Also                       available online:
[10]    Elmasri and Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, year 2000.


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